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30 Days Of Me – Day Twenty Eight
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then? So physically - not a lot of change. My hair is growing. And I have a pretty big tattoo on my left arm. Have I matured? Pfffft .. not bloody likely. I changed jobs. Thats about it. I'm...
30 Days Of Me – Day Twenty Seven
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge Cos it seemed like a bloody good idea at the time! Sure you have read a lot of the other posts talking about how it was a idea that started whereever it started and then when I heard about it, it was spreading quite...
30 Days Of Me – Day Twenty Six
Day 26- What you think about your friends I really dont understand the question. I am hardly going to write that my friends are a dicks and I only hang out with them because they are rich/own a yacht/buy me expensive presents. My friends are a group of people whom I...
30 Days Of Me – Day Twenty Five
Day 25- What I would find in your bag My bag is quite often the kind of place that you would not want to stick your arm, in case you lost it or it was devoured by something living in the bottom of my bag. I decided to go with photographic evidence. This is classic...
30 Days of Me – Day Twenty Four
Day 24- A letter to your parents The letter P is for my Dad. For all the times that I think "I'll just ring Dad" or "I should call Dad" and then something happens or I start something else and I forget. I dont like the fact that I dont talk to him enough. I won a...
30 Days Of Me – Day Twenty Two
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else I am so tempted to use my Pass Card on this topic. I've almost had enough of the introspective and self realisation posts for the 30 Days of Me Challenge. Can we have another fun topic please?? I'm not all that...
30 Days of Me – Day Twenty One
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy Sunshine, lollipops and rai .... Road-Trips!
30 Days of Me – Day Twenty
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
30 Days Of Me – Day Nineteen
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them I didnt think I had a lot of nicknames til I sat down to write this post. T-J - a shortened version of my full first name. Also the name by which I was known fulltime up until about seventh form. I was one heck of a...
Bedroom Refresh
A couple of months ago, I won a BYB (Being Your Best) award at work. Basically someone thinks you went over and above, out of your way, to do a good job and you get a nice reward. I chose some vouchers and decided to spend it on something that I would not have done...
30 Days Of Me – Day Eighteen
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have Thanks to the Wordpress for iPhone app, todays post is being written on the go. Out and about. But on the go slow. I have absolutely nothing that I must do today .... which is something of a super sonic change for me. Normally...
Dont Poke the (Naughty) Bear
30 Days of Me – Day Seventeen
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why My cat continuously tries to convince me that he is a person - therefore he can considered, for the purpose of this post, someone. If I could switch lives for a day, I would switch and be fat,...
30 Days of Me – Day Sixteen
Day 16- Another picture of yourself I was going to upload another current photo but I have been a bit stressed lately and my eyes are puffy and my skin is not looking its best. Plus there was a current photograph of my attached to Day One. Today's photograph of me is...
30 Days of Me – Day Fifteen
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play My iPod has become almost like a photograph album. A collection of people, times and places ... not always a good reminder of my life but it is my life nonetheless. Lets see what she kicks up this morning!...
30 Days of Me – Day Fourteen
Day 14- A picture of you and your family The last time that my family and I were all together is just over a year ago at my brother Iain's wedding in London. I haven't actually seen any of the photographs from the wedding so I'm a bit up shit creek when it comes to...
Destructive Powers
yes, they are my designs and diagrams that he is sharpening his claws and teeth on.
30 Days Of Me – Day Thirteen
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently