The fourth and final week of April Photo A Day and the last of these that I will be doing for a while.
There are a few too many things going on around here at the moment and I’ve taken a break from the 365 Project (unintended) – but now I want to crack back in to it.

Day Twenty Two. The last thing you bought

Well – some of the last things. New bedside lamps!

Day Twenty Three. Vegetable

Chicken and Feta pizza. With spinach.
According to America, pizza is a vegetable.

Day Twenty Four. Something you are grateful for

My mummy. I wish everyone had a mummy like mine.
Not only does she understand my typos, but she gets that I like wine. Out of buckets.

Day Twenty Five. Looking down

I’m not as short as I look in this photo – looking down my legs at the movie theatre. There was seriously a lot of leg room. Bastards designed that theatre so I couldn’t put my feet up on the seats in front of me. Or touch the ground. Never going there again.

Day Twenty Six. Black and White

Pretty standard Tara photograph this one.
Me, in my car, with big sunglasses on. Yea!

Day Twenty Seven. Somewhere you went

To bed – early. With Kindle, a huge cup of tea, my pink pajamas and a diamond ring.
Because it made me happy.

Day Twenty Eight. 1pm

Lazy Saturday on the couch – watching movies with Ken.
I love the denim contrasts. Actually his photo worked out pretty cool too.

Day Twenty Nine. Circle.

Tiny circle – on something circular. Off to join more of them.
First time I have been to the driving range in ages!

There is only one more day in this month’s Photo A Day and that is today.
I haven’t taken the photograph yet – I’ll do it a bit later on and post it separately as it is kinda special.