Amanda from Here Comes the Sun wrote a great blog which got my engines firing.
I love doing monthly challenges but I have decided not to do another Photo A Day month for a while; I want to spend some more time on my 365 Project and launching my portfolio and in order to do that I need a focussed, healthy mind, so creating a healthy body ties in much better.
And I NEED a kickstart!!

  • I have a My Fitness Pal account which is seriously neglected.
  • I’m part of a fantastic support group with a wonderful group of women who are all on a journey of their own with varying goals.
  • I’ve contributed in the past to the Shrinking Violets blog – which is pretty inspirational

Get in my tummy!! #foodtweet

I need to do more of this and less of the lazy style of preparing what ever processed foods I can find in the cupboards.

Amanda is going to log her week on a Sunday however I will be doing mine on a Monday evening – a blog post split in to Food, Exercise and Goal Setting.

Join us via My Fitness Pal (I am tarasutherland), use the #healthymay hashtag on Twitter (again I am @tarasutherland) or leave me a comment below.

I’m already excited about a few of the changes that I have started making to my life and like I said above, this seems a perfect addition.

We’ll see how we go with the exercising portion.
This stupid stupid stupid ear throws me off balance quite regularly.
I’m going to yoga (Les Mills Body Balance) this weekend and we’re planning a bush walk *fingers crossed for good weather* …. fresh food will be a great start!!

Hallo Healthy May!