The brief was simple – enter up to three photographs of the Southern White Rhinoceros at Hamilton Zoo.

Below are my three entries and the critique I received back from Trevor Penfold.

Mother of the Calf

60 Kilo's of Cute

Composition: It feels like you want to life everything up so I would have included the mouth and the calfs feet and a bit at the top.

Exposure: The exposure on the adult seems a bit high so some of the texture has been lost.

Focus: Nice focus on the eyes.

Overall Impact: Not sure where the blue tinge has come from. I like the concept but would prefer composition as mentioned.

The Old Man and the Tree

The Old Man and the Tree

Composition: I do like the use of the leaves here but I feel I want the eye on one of the intersections of the rule of thirds.

Exposure: The highlights on the rhino I feel need to be bought down as some of the textures has been lost, as well as the effect of the shadows.

Focus: Well focused.

Overall Impact: I like the concept but less exposure.

He Casts a huge Shadow

He casts a huge shadow

Composition: Unusual but well picked up. I think I would prefer all the rhino in or none of it just its shadow.

Exposure: Good exposure, quite atmospheric.

Focus: Well focused.

Overall Impact: Nice concept and creative. Well done.

Overall: Some nice ideas Tara and quite creative, I’m note sure about the high exposure graphic look but that’s just me I would rather see the textures and the contours of the rhino’s especially when photographed close up. Think about your composition, ask if you want to see what’s been cut off, if the answer is yes then re-frame, you don’t want people’s attention to be drawn out of the image, you want to draw them in.