Edelweiss Milroy is one very well known cat. The Instagram account of his owner Yvonne has some stunning snaps of him doing what he does best – looking gorgeous.

His stunning eyes – one blue and one golden – are due to a condition called Heterochromia where one iris is a different colour from the other. Yvonne has decided they are Tekapo Blue and Otago Gold – love it!
I’ve been wanting to photograph Edel and his eyes for some time!

Cats are funny animals to photograph. They love their space, both their homes and the amount of space that you allow them.
Edel didn’t like want to be crowded and he didn’t like the 60mm lens that I love using for photographing cats.  He decided he wanted to hide in the corner for a bit.


He just so happened to pick a corner of the room where the decor suited him perfectly and the light coming through the curtains was a gorgeous warm tone.

Edelweiss in the light

Edelweis' Profile

At the end of our session, Edel decided to position himself at the top of the stairs. I couldn’t resist unpacking my camera for one more photograph.

Goodbye Edelweiss