News from the Studio, New Locations and Project Updates
Vote for Me! Telecom Foundation People’s Champion
Telecom New Zealand is currently looking for one of our staff members to join the Board of the Telecom Foundation. The People's champion will sit on the Board alongside Tina Symmans and three high profile New Zealanders and work with the Foundation to increase the...
April 2011 iPhone Collage
I know its not the end of April so this collage is a little premature. I'm not expecting a lot to happen between now and midnight. Except for a flight to the USA! Discovered Donburi at Albany Mall with Deralie My home office is getting better and better all the time...
My plan for the Auckland Zombie Apocalypse
My safety kit - my emergency provisions box - is not only for when there is a volcanic eruption and it's all turned to hell in Auckland - it's also for when the Zombies come. And it is stored upstairs with me because when shit goes down, the Treehouse will be my...
I’m of the 1%
Always remember …
{bit of wisdom: always remember…} | {Bits of Beauty}.
Things I Like
I get a bend in my neck from looking under the shelves separating me from my guests. How to make a hanging notepad - from Etsy. Time to sort the herbs out for slow cookers and roasts Autumn - its rather a lazy season compared to summer. Can you believe that it is...
Style me Over
Holy crap, its all really happening this week! Monday: manicure. Acrylic tips and OPI Yoga-ta Get This Blue. They need to be shorter, but its nice to not look at my fingers and think "mmm, breakfast sausages". Tuesday: hair appointment with Terrence Underwood. Sorry,...
Formspring: What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
What's the biggest risk you've ever taken? Are you glad you took it or do you regret it? I love doing things that scare me! Not so much at the time mind, but looking back on them. There are two in particular ... in 2000, I left Wellington and moved to Auckland. I...
Much Love Monday – Lists and Notebooks
work note books orange marker pens and red gel pens diaries of a 15, 16, 17 year old one task per day i love my lists bucket lists Oh Monday Mornin' you gave me no warnin' of what was to be This week's Much Love Monday comes to you with me once again feeling a little...
8tracks Debut
I make a lot of Mixtapes. Not real mixes on tapes but Mixtapes – you know?
So many times and experiences in life can be enhanced and then summed up … if we put it all together and say it with a Mixtape
@wandaharland tweeted it best when she tweeted:!/wandaharland/status/33077739456045056 and thus continues my search for organisation ... and motivation. Kyla Roma's post on Motivation by Osmosis - not only do I love the dual corkboards that she...
Much Love Monday – Get Fudged
Much Love Monday: Probably something between Things I Love Friday and Monday mornings. This week, its a the lolly jar display at a little fudge shop, lolly shop, coffee shop and pastry shop in Paihia - "Get Fudged" All the colours beauitfully lined up in their display...
Make me over!
Personal style - I don't really have any. Skill at applying makeup - restricted to lashings of mascara and cherry lip gloss Hair style - blonde, fluffy and an absolute mess. I have finally admitted to myself that I am in need of something more than just a non frizz...
a Statement of Me
For some time now I have been dreaming of a new tattoo - a large tattoo - my statement piece. And I would like my statement piece to be a statement of me. I am using Evernote to save my ideas and thoughts and some samples of images that I like. I am building a...
March 2011 iPhone Collage
the Tower office skulls scarf - still Red and Black for Christchurch Kirsty and Steve's pancakes on St Patricks Day Candles at Sale Street and the Sky Tower weekend in Cambridge - just Zumba'ed with my Marcia sign I found in Tirau board games on the side of the road...
Never enter a battle of wits unarmed
I have been known to utter a few insults in my time - some of them with rather choice language. On the look out for quotes, I came across this very appropriate one from J Russell Lynes: “If you can’t ignore an insult, top it; if you can’t top it, laugh it off; and if...
Things I Like
Today is the first day of a new feature - Things I Like. Friday is as good a day as any to run it so here we go. A small selection of the things that have made my week.
Formspring: How did the first women ever to shave their legs know that the skin wouldn’t just peel right off?
How did the first women ever to shave their legs know that the skin wouldn't just peel right off? Before they started shaving, they used to pull individual hairs out with two shells!! Some guy also decided to start shaving his head so that his battle enemies wouldnt...