Note books and Lists

  1. work note books
  2. orange marker pens and red gel pens
  3. diaries of a 15, 16, 17 year old
  4. one task per day
  5. i love my lists
  6. bucket lists

Oh Monday Mornin’ you gave me no warnin’ of what was to be

This week’s Much Love Monday comes to you with me once again feeling a little sorry for myself and nursing a sore left ear.
Courtesy of me being a complete dork and diving with a cold coming on.

After I left the clinic, I started thinking about how often I make a note of something on my iPhone.  Either using the Notes app or Evernote or even saving something to Dropbox.
I realised how many of those notes I don’t go back and look at.  Not like the note books that I used to keep with me.
Not talking about the work note books – I have and use plenty of those.  But note books for the sake of making a note.  Or doodling something that I want to come back to later.

Much Love Monday this week is for the note books that I have had – and especially the ones that I kept from 5th, 6th and 7th form at college – and the ones that I will have in the future.

Oh and lists. Fuck I love lists.