7. Lights, Camera, ACTION!

Freezing the activity, catching those crazy moments of play or the movements that our pets make when they are doing those things that we love can be a little tricky on a smartphone however it is possible.

On a point and shoot or some DSLRs you can use the sports mode or if you like shooting fully manual, use a fast shutter speed – I read something that other day that said 1/250 is fast enough for a jogger. Now I know my Nixie Lix is a heck of a lot faster than a jogger so I’ll be shooting around 1/1000.

But the real secret is being ready.
Action shots mean you need to be in the right place at the right time and your camera needs to be out of your pocket! Taking your camera to the park or out in the back garden will give you some practice but you need to do it more than once.

The more you try action photography with your pet, the more you will understand your camera and you will be able to be in that perfect spot.

Nixie and her FrisbeeNixie Lix and I spend quite a lot of time in the summer playing frisbee – and taking photographs – we tried to shoot something special for this tip but hello rain! hello wind! so you get a photograph from our earlier series x

Follow along with this daily set of Pet Photography Tips for owners here: Pet Photography Tips for Pet Owners