Question and Answer: Why So Much Practice?

Question and Answer: Why So Much Practice?

Q: I saw you posted a photograph from a show over the weekend and I was wondering why you do a lot of practice shoots? Do you get bored with photography? Well … this is a pretty good question to receive on a Monday morning! This October, the Pet Posse are...
Question and Answer: Strapless?!

Question and Answer: Strapless?!

Q: I notice when you are photographing, you don’t have a strap on your camera. Aren’t you worried? Well the short answer to this is … only a little!! 99% of the time I have my camera in my hand as I like to be as ready as possible for any photograph...
Nikon V1 Review: First Impressions

Nikon V1 Review: First Impressions

I have been loaned the new Nikon V1 to use – and write about – for a couple of weeks. The Nikon V1 is a mirrorless camera which sits between a standard point and shoot and a digital SLR.  And it has changeable lenses. What I would like to try is the FT1...

What does this button do?

It seems to me that we really like to share our lives. One of the easiest ways to do this is through photographs. Cameras also make the gadget geeks in us really happy. Whether it is the Camera+ app on my iPhone or my D300, right now I have enough buttons and menus to...