Hallo my friend Friday!!  I’m so happy its the end of the week.

In fact I’m just happy all over.  After 2 weeks, I get to spend this weekend hanging out with Ken.

I arrived in Hamilton after work yesterday and we had Date Night at the movies.
Christian Bale as Batman – very good.  I’m not going to go into analysing what Nolan did with the 3rd Batman in the series suffice to say that the Batsuit still rocks and Ann Hathaway can ride the heck out of the Bat Bike!

Walking in to the office this morning, Civic Square in Hamilton was bathed in watery sunshine. Sunshine!!

Loving Breaking Bad

I’ve caught up on Series One and am on to Series Two.
I remember watching the Pilot episode but I’m not too sure why I didn’t keep up with it.
Now the show is on to Series Five and it seems everyone is talking about it again!

I’ve finished watching the first season and am on to the second.  The changes that Walters character is going through physically are staggering – especially when you consider that Bryan Cranston actually had to change his appearance in that way.  I won’t contain – no spoilers here!

Loving Knitting

When I was younger, I remember knitting.
I actually remember more about the amazing jerseys that my Mom used to knit – in amazing colours and the softest of wools.  She had one that she called her Granddad jersey.  She knitted that whilst she was sitting next to my Granddad whilst he was in palliative care.

Just recently I have bought a couple of sets of needles for myself and some gorgeous wool.  I did a few test rows, to get my tensioning right and to remember the other stitches I would need and then I pulled it apart and started again.  The other weekend when the kids were up, Mikaela wanted to try … which was rather funny as the needles are far too long for her.  We went out to Spotlight the next day and got her a smaller set and some of her own wool.  And then I pulled the piece apart again.

Knitting is keeping my hands warm at night and all of a sudden, my piece has quadrupled in size!!

Loving Family

My family is expanding – and fast!
Both of my cousins have new babies in their little families and my Mom is loving it.

Congratulations to Jolene and Gareth and welcome to James – who is only a couple of days old now.
And to Graeme and Sue and Bessie born at the end of June.

And to top it all of, Iain (my brother) and Catie are expecting a brother or sister for Banos in November.

My only wish is that every one was closer.  Not only are we spread throughout the country, but we’re all over the world too.
To wrap up Things I’m Loving – I’m really loving Skype.

The series “Things I’m Loving” which is hosted by Meaghan at MNM which I found through Melissa at The Best Nest.