
The upper North Island has seen some simply beautiful skies over the last few nights.
Actually, looking back through my iPhone, we’ve been having gorgeous sunsets during January and February.

I love sunrises and sunsets.  I am not usually up – or ready – in time to great the sunrise however I sure am ready for the end of the day.

I have a pretty good view north west from my office window (see photo above) if I am not sitting down at my favorite sunset beach.

This is my favourite ‘leaning out the window with the iPhone’ photograph from tonight.

Thanks to Leigh, I now know that these are Altocumulus clouds – formed between 6,000 and 20,000 feet.

Weather Watch then posted a wee update a couple of hours later:
Photos: Stunning sunset captures Aucklanders

Auckland City has had a stunning sunset this evening. Social media sites have been busy with people sharing photos and talking about how incredible it was – as has WeatherWatch.co.nz.

The pattern of the clouds is similar to the patterns you see in sand underwater at a calm beach – small bumps with grooves on the side. In this case the groves were clear patches of sky.

It can be caused when a current of air passes over a calm pool of air – disturbing the clouds and causing them to very gently fan out to create this unique pattern, Most likely the Waitakere ranges gave the air just the right bump it needed to gently disrupt the clouds.

Auckland has had a very calm day with little to no wind and a high of 25 degrees.