Years and years ago I completed a 365 Photo a Day project with a group of friends.  It was the most creative thing I had ever done and I enjoyed it so much, I said I would do another some time.

I think that time is now.

My Dad passed away a month ago.  I’ve been so busy doing the things that need to be done – as well as working on a huge project thats about to go live – that I haven’t really allowed myself time to sit with my thoughts or process how I’m feeling.  Even though his death wasn’t a surprise, he had been end stage kidney failure for the last couple of years, knowing that someone isn’t going to be here for long doesn’t make it any easier.  I’ve been dealing with my emotions by ignoring them, pretty much drowning them in wine.

I know I cannot keep doing this, being this.  I know things have to change.
I am self aware enough to realise that when I have wanted things to change in the past, I cannot just stop doing something or take something away from myself.  My greatest successes in change come when I add something to my life. 
I am taking inspiration from my friend Megan. who is healing herself from intense mental and physical burnout through her art and creative painting.  If I want things to be different, I have to do different things.

From today, I am adding a creative project.

Through photographers that I follow on Twitter, I’ve discovered @365_in_2023 – a group of photographers from around the world who respond to a daily prompt with a photograph.

Today’s prompt is Crux.  I’ll be posting that later (once I’ve taken it!).  In the mean time, to sit along side this post, here’s a 2017 photograph of a fisherman on Port Douglas beach at sunrise which sums up how I’m feeling right now.