08:00 – sleep in this morning! Because we have our workout scheduled for later today (as normal with Fridays) – its the BFT Hamilton CBD Friday Night Jams. On Zoom of course.
But I digress! The first Friday morning task is to choose an outfit for Formal Friday! Started by Hilary Barry last Friday, I missed out so I got out the sequins on Monday, I definitely wasn’t going to miss this week. Some of our Project team even got on board – with Andrea wearing pearls and a fur and Andrew in a suit.

13:00 – everyone’s been baking. And in very weird news, considering I don’t think I have baked anything in my life – I have flour and baking powder in the cupboards. And in weirder news, because I think bananas are the devil, I want banana bread.

16:00 – wrapping up the end of the workday, end of the workweek, with a little Skype chat with my Marcie. I decide for us that we are both going to re-start the C25K app (Couch to 5k). I can feel every bit of the muscle (and fat) I gained as part of my reverse diet and whilst I am still proud of the work I did then, its time to shed some of that fat. And the easiest way to do that right now is increasing my cardio activity. And it lets me get out of the house for 40 odd mins at a time. This might mean that I start living in activewear though! Even more so than I do now.

17:00 – FRIDAY NIGHT JAMS TIME! Working out with the crew! Complete with squats using Bogie as a weight and navigating Nix’s legs all over the ground as I try and do my tempo press ups.

18:15 – roast pork in the airfryer. Warm salad to serve. FaceTime chats with Mom. Friday – done right!
