06:20 – better late than never!!! Set up a Nike Fit app workout. My favourite moment was Ken saying “oh is that just the warmup?!”

08:00 – discovered a box of Weetbix in the back of the top cupboard. Haven’t had Weetbix in ages!! Also, never liked peaches. Now I like peaches. Interesting!
But with said Weetbix and peaches, there must be yoghurt and vanilla protein powder.

09:00 – morning Project standup with my team and today is going to be a really busy one! I basically have 8 hours of sitting at my desk on Zoom meetings, talking and making notes.
So today’s update is going to be really short and pretty damn boring!

Which got me thinking back to how we are so bloody lucky to be living here in New Zealand. Even though it seems a bit shit at the moment. But only shit in that I have a massive skunk stripe on my head and I really miss the gym.
New Zealand is at COVID-19 Alert Level 4. The highest level of our alert system. We are confined to our homes for the most part, allowed to go out to get some daily exercise but keeping it local. That means as far as you can walk or bike – within reason of course. One person can go out to do the grocery shopping or any other essential type of buying however essential services can use couriers (although we are limiting the use of this as it turns out, there’s not a lot we actually NEED!). We have to stick to our bubbles.
When I see the news, and I’ve had to severely limit the amount of news I was watching, I am dumb founded with what is happening in America – and to a lesser extent these days, the United Kingdom. How can men not understand or fathom or take responsibility when they are the elected leaders of their countries? I am in disbelief and I cannot even start to think what life will be like after.

Or what our new lives will be like.

What I can think of now are some of the parts that I won’t be carrying from our old life into the new. Some shit just isn’t as important any more and some stuff, a lot more important.

17:00 – time to log off work and go and do the supermarket shopping. Last Thursday was the last time I drove my car and that was down to the supermarket to pick up our grocery order. Whilst we definitely aren’t shopping normally (we’d often go every couple of days), we still didn’t need a shit load and it was a reasonably easy and stressfree process. Didn’t take me any longer than normal so I don’t think I will be as nervous to go next time.

19:00 – did my nightly LIVE for my coaching group and then sat on my ass and watched some Lightroom split toning tool technique videos. I think I’ll do a re-edit for my Photography Challenge. Of one of my favourite Nix photographs.
