06:00 – yesterday, well last night, I had truly had enough of my own bullshit. It wasn’t that my routine was out of whack and I was feeling a little wobbly, I had been choosing what and when to do with my days. So I dragged Ken out of bed and we did the BFT2U Strength workout from the weekend. That felt good!!! And I love a morning workout, not the getting out of bed part, but the getting it done part. Of course, Nix and Bogie add a whole new challenge when they decide to make their way out of their beds – but it’s kinda cute. More cute than annoying.

08:10 – I live in, probably, the only house in the country where the words “Babe there’s a peacock on the roof of the carport” isn’t a weird statement to hear when you get out of the shower. The Hamilton Zoo peacocks, there are 7, decided to do some extra roaming and some of them popped over to visit us. I waited and waited to get a shot of her flying off the roof but, when I went to put my pants on, she chose that moment to go.


10:30 – I logged on to Facebook to watch the Live broadcast of the Zoom meeting of the New Zealand Epidemic Response Committee. I’ve said it before, about how grateful I am for the response New Zealand has made to the Coronavirus pandemic – but to see Parliament broadcasting a committee meeting live – to the whole country, well the whole world – that’s some pretty awesome transparency right there. Again, very very very grateful to live where we live.

10:30 – Forgot I planned to make a batch of Chocolate Chili for lunches for the next few days. Also grateful to have my slow/pressure cooker sitting on the bench as I just throw the ingredients at it and it does all of the hard work. Also making pumpkin & bacon soup for dinner tonight. Yum.

14:30 – in between work, work meetings and watching the news (I have to stop doing that), I started setting up some of my new coaching programmes – including a Four Week Meal Planning Guide. I’m very very very excited about this – its something I have been planning and working on for a while!

17:00 – one of my favourite things to do, a regular half-hour catch up with one of my favourite coaching clients. I normally do these every fortnight but am slowly bringing everyone to weekly for half an hour. It’s a bit of a slow process because I still have other work that has to be done!

17:30 – my actual favourite thing to do, walk around the big block with my bubble. Tonight took ages because Nixie decided that every lamp post needed to be checked out and thus Bogie decided the same. Because if Nixie does it, Bogie absolutely has to do it. But its still the best part of my day! Especially with the cool teddies popping up around our neighbourhood.

19:30 – taking my high angle photograph tonight of my Pumpkin and Bacon soup. With toast. The photograph of taking the photograph is better than the photograph itself. It’s too flat, not vibrant, the soup tastes great but looks like kids poo. But oh well. We can’t be perfect and I have to remember that.

I’m conscious of the fact that I have hardly been posting on my @allergictosugar because I don’t have anything of value or use to say.
In a way, I have been struggling a bit over the last 7-10 days but until I’ve worked my way out of it, I don’t want to draw too much attention to it as it just feels like extra noise. And if I get tagged in one more workout or house cleaning challenge whilst I am trying to work (fulltime), coach (in the evenings) and not eat my own feelings, I’m going to fucking scream. And yes, I realise this is my own issue. So maybe that’s what I’ve been doing – just avoiding that stuff because its not where I am right now.
