I’m taking the liberty of lumping these last two weeks of our 2020 Corona Lockdown into one update – because in all honesty, days are incredibly similar.
I haven’t taken a lot of photographs, but I have been taking at least one a day. And keeping up my #documentinglockdown stories on Instagram.

Last week I had a bit of a wobble over routine and the planning and progression I was making towards the WBFF Transformation competition on October.
So there weren’t early morning workouts. And the dogs were walked but just kinda, whenever. And maybe there was a workout in the evening – or a run. But I was just all meh.
I wasn’t really enjoying the meh but I was wallowing in a bit of “what’s the point?”
But I’ve pulled my head out of my butt, it’s not all doom and gloom at the end of the day, we won’t be here forever, my food’s been okay so I thought … if I treat the last couple of weeks as a massive deload and rest period, I can hit the ground running when we come out of this.

And come out of this we will, we are New Zealand, we are the little country that could.

In other news, there is some pretty cool (nad quite funny) shit happening in our country …

Our big milestone this week is obviously the advice that New Zealand will come out of Lockdown Level 4 next week – just one more week to go – and then we will sit at Level 3 for at least a couple of weeks. That basically means Level 3.8 for us, or Level 4 but with more takeaways! That won’t be a huge change for Ken and I – I can’t see us racing out to get takeaways especially as our meals at home have been so fantastic!

indulge me whilst I show off a little …

If only I paid as much attention to keeping up my exercise/workouts aye?!
Well fuck it. Shit happens. I didn’t.

After I went Walking Club on Sunday, I knew this week would be different.
I’d done the rollercoaster of the newness of working at home full time, the disappointment that I wouldn’t be one of those people with four free weeks of time on my hands to do home projects and then the sinking feeling that my routine was so far out of whack I wouldn’t ever make it out.
But it will be different. Lockdown won’t last forever. And we found that out for sure yesterday. As long as we keep being good little Kiwi’s.

Every working day, I still have to be online and ready to Zoom by 9 am at the latest. Our project is rocking through – we are relatively full-on to be fair!
I can, however, get up earlier, not stupid early like prior to lockdown, but at 6:15 am and do a 30-40 minute workout each morning. Nothing too intense but enough for me to FEEL like I am making a difference. Then we take the dogs out for a walk. Everyone in our house enjoys those morning outings. Especially Bogie – he’s all over the show! 11-17 wee’s later, checking out every lamppost and mailbox – it’s quite the funny start to the day.
And after we started doing this over the Christmas/New Year period, I really want to keep this in our lives.

And I know there will be more of these sorts of things. Running for one – what?! Yes, I know. Running.
Especially with Waiwhakareke Nature Reserve right across the road.

Like a lot of people, I had visions and ideas of all of the things I could achieve “in Lockdown”.
I quickly came to realise that lockdown, aka my Corona Retreat, was NOT going to be a break, a holiday, a retreat. It was just going to be living and getting by but within the confines of our house and once a day, our neighbourhood. I was initially excited by the thought of finalising my snacking programme, my monthly meal pack, my recipe subscription service. I’ve done one of those three.
In fairness to myself, I’ve also coached other people through these past four weeks – as well as ensuring I’m getting by too.

For the next week, I’m going to continue hanging out at home, with my dogs and my garden and my camera and my still large list of things I Have To Do.

and then we will see what’s next!

Bloody proud of you New Zealand, bloody proud.