08:00 – Sunday morning is normally Walking Club with my friend Megan.
Since our Retreat started, we’ve gone old school. Phone calls and text messages. How adorably retro. But then this view. How bloody stunning – what a start to Sunday! Did our weekly check-in download, dissect and planning chat and then hung up to do my #C25K Day Two.

09:45 – home for breakfast. And a coffee. Feels weird not having meal prep to do and to have to steele myself for the week to come.
I’ve been given an opportunity to look after myself, possibly by slowing down and taking more care, so that’s what I am doing today.

10:00 – WLS Support group Zoom coffee date. Great hour of giggling away with some of my tribe – but also sharing our current experiences and coping strategies. After this, I had another consult and a LIVE session for my current coaching group. It was a nice morning of checking in on others whilst checking in on me too. I love coaching so much because I get so much back from it.

15:00 – all the jobs and the chats and the groups are done. We’ve both done our runs and the dogs are chill. So its movie time – and cheese plate time. Pirates of the Caribbean and Havarti with Beetroot Relish.

Everyone is totally relaxed on Sunday afternoon … a most excellent weekend indeed.
