My Leadership Movement – Action through Inaction

When I started my Strategic Leadership journey, I thought I’d write a manifesto, do some assignments and come away with some skills I could use in the future. I realised that I had long-held views of who I was and how and why I did things and these had changed a lot...
My Personal Leadership Manifesto

My Personal Leadership Manifesto

2022 is ending on a personal development high. We are at the end of Week One of Alicia McKay’s Not an MBA Strategic Leadership course.Our first piece of ‘homework’ is to draft our own Leadership Manifesto. I have spent the week reflecting on my...
Oh Hi Level 3

Oh Hi Level 3

It’s Day 2 of Level 3 in the Waikato. Facebook and Instagram and Whatsapp are down.I read earlier on Twitter that all we need now is some kind of huge storm or earthquake and we could probably be reassured that this is the end of the world. But that seems a bit...