The Big Dipper

This morning I have a strut on – sort of like this specimen of poultry that I photogaphed down in the Waikato … Although not quite as squi8nty and mean in the eyes.  I did think at one time that the group of them would take a run at us. Last night I made...

Winter Highs – and Lows

Last night I was driving home over the Harbour Bridge and Beach Haven looked like this. I know – stunning right? This morning was freezing cold but today has turned into another gorgeous day. And looking at the forecast, we should have our high til Saturday at...

Dukan Recipes: Chicken and Prawn Tom Yum

This was the easiest meal to prepare and quite honestly, hands down, the best tasting thing I have eaten in a long time (apart from the Burger King Steakhouse Bacon Burger that I ate on Saturday – sssshhhh!). The recipe makes enough – for me – for...

Dukan Recipes: Oat Bran Pancakes

This must be said first … I’m not the best baker/chef.  In fact, since I left school and the home economics room, I’ve baked twice.  And one lot were Afghans – they don’t count. I made these last night to have for breakfast this morning....

The Giraffe Test

There are 4 questions. Don’t miss one. 1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? Stop and think about it and decide on your answer before you read the next line. The correct answer is: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe, and close the door. This question...