Clean Sheet Sunday

Clean Sheet Sunday

In our house, when everything is silent, that’s bad. It means someone (Django Mako Lix) is up to something. Yes this face is the face of a terror! Today there was silence. I was working in the studio when I realised I had heard nothing for a while so I went...
Project 52: Catch Lights

Project 52: Catch Lights

This weeks prompt is Catchlights. Catchlights are when a light source creates a wonderful twinkle in the eye. Catchlights can be natural or artificial, round or square, bright or hardly noticeable. They give the eye dimension and depth. But what happens to the eye...
Project 52: 45 Water

Project 52: 45 Water

When I saw the title of this weeks theme, well normally I would have thought “excellent, we SO have this covered!” Nixie Lix is an American Bulldog, Greyhound X and she is an absolute water baby!  I often say that she would swim in a teacup if she could...
Project 52: 44 Halloween

Project 52: 44 Halloween

Halloween isn’t the biggest of holidays here in New Zealand in fact it is little more than an excuse for stores to stock all manner of costumes and for kids to cruise around the streets asking for lollies. At our house this year, I’ll be putting up a sign...
Question and Answer: Strapless?!

Question and Answer: Strapless?!

Q: I notice when you are photographing, you don’t have a strap on your camera. Aren’t you worried? Well the short answer to this is … only a little!! 99% of the time I have my camera in my hand as I like to be as ready as possible for any photograph...