Apr 3, 2015 | Blog, Pet Photography Project 52, Project 52 [2015] |
Whilst I missed the deadline for getting my Blog Post link submitted, and I haven’t taken a new photograph for this week, I am still completing a post for Week 14 – Under. I am a firm supporter of having a camera near you at all times as you never know...
Mar 27, 2015 | Blog, Pet Photography Project 52, Project 52 [2015] |
Back Lighting This week didn’t go to plan – I caught a cold and spent a day in bed feeling completely miserable and then the day I set aside for my photo (all dosed up on medications) clouded over and started raining. But then today, oh today! I spent a...
Mar 20, 2015 | Blog, Pet Photography Project 52, Project 52 [2015] |
Something New 10 days old. He has only just opened his eyes. You cannot get much more new than this gorgeous French Bulldog. Welcome to the world Zephyr. Project 52 is a weekly circle project so from here, use the following link to hop over and visit Trina Bauer...
Mar 13, 2015 | Blog, Pet Photography Project 52, Project 52 [2015] |
Something Silly For the last few days I’ve been thinking there is a ghost in our house. I have been wondering why, when I go to pick up my camera, that it is not in the same place that I am sure I left it. Or the battery is nearly dead when I’m sure I just...
Mar 9, 2015 | Blog, Diary |
In 2011 I published my first ‘Currently’ post. Since then, there have been another 10 or so posted when I feel there is something to share but not on a regular occasion. After I took over my blog with my Pet Photography, I’ve been unsure as to...