Jul 10, 2015 | Blog, Pet Photography Project 52, Project 52 [2015] |
Through the Window It’s nearly two months since I completed a Project 52 prompt and even though I’ve been picking up my camera for my studio project, I haven’t had any other inklings of inspiration. I still keep an eye on the Project 52 Facebook...
Jun 15, 2015 | Blog, Giving Back |
Back in March I was contacted by Amanda, one of the Trustees of Chained Dog Awareness NZ, about photographing a charity calendar for them to promote awareness and raise some much needed funds. The team at Chained Dog Awareness work around the clock to end LIFE...
May 14, 2015 | Blog, Giving Back |
In April I launched this years PawTraits project using PledgeMe – which is the crowdfunding platform that we successfully funded the project on last year. Today I had to be real with myself and admit that the PawTraits Project on PledgeMe (which is ALL or...