Part One of Two
Welcome to the Sunday morning edition of Things I Said I Would Do But I Didn’t.
After three days, the Photo A Day posts kinda died. A Photo A Day was an ambitious project with my current workload – we are six weeks from Go Live on a project we have been working on for close to two years. Its one of the reasons I need a project like this but probably one that doesn’t have quite this level of commitment!
But its Sunday morning and I am chilling in bed with my dog so lets review the prompts I have missed and find some photographs from the archives to suit.
Oh god. I’ve just reviewed the list of what I’ve missed. It’s a lot.
We are going to be here for some time.
Day 4 – 10/04 – Vacatio: freedom, exemption, immunity (from service). Priviledge.
A trip to Europe – almost a distant memory now!
Taking Ken to Paris on our way to Naples.
Taking Instax snaps at the most iconic locations and adding them to other photographs to really keep the memories alive.
Afternoon drinks in a classic street side Paris cafe.
No dodging of cars, just people on bikes and walking.

Day 5 – 11/04 – Tranquillium: quietness, calmness, stillness, tranquility, serenity. Calm conditions.
Lens Baby Muse on leaves at Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari.
Dappled light through the tall trees.
The calmness of being in nature.
Day 6 – 12/04 – Protestatio: declaration. Protestation.
Someone in Melbourne decided to declare “YOU ARE ALL THE SAME!”
I say …Express yourself.
Be free to be who you are.
We are not all the same but sometimes we feel like we need to follow the pack, to go with the flow.

Day 7 – 13/04 – Exterius: on the outside.
Watching the children run along the Hamilton Zoo Rainforest Walkway.
Brown Capuchin Monkey contemplates what is happening on the outside of its enclosure.
Day 8 – 14/04 – Liberatio: liberation, release.
The sun on your face.
Sand under your toes.
Warm water.
Knowing Mum has a set of dry clothes in the car.

Day 9 – 15/04 – Desolatum: foresaken, abandon, desert.
That feeling when you are alone with your thoughts and those thoughts aren’t necessarily great but you need to work through where they come from and what they mean.
Statue at Pompeii.