Autumn is over and winter is here. We are still being blessed with relatively mild weather which is more than making up for the shitty summer!
- Reading: Nora Roberts, Nora Roberts and even more Nora Roberts. I’ve left Mom ‘in charge’ of selecting and purchasing books for our Kindle (we share an Amazon account) and Nora Roberts is a favourite author of hers. The stories are intricate and most of the characters are easy to relate to but what really amazes me is the breadth of subjects that she writes about. How much research does this woman do?! According to Wikipedia, she has written over 200 books – and the stories that I have read lately vary from ‘smoke jumpers’ (Forest Fire Fighters) to a Wildlife Sanctuary owner pursued by a man who believes a cougar is his spirit guide. All the stories share a great sense of family and whilst sometimes I feel slightly ashamed at the quality of novel I am consuming, when I am warm and toasty with a tea and one of Nora’s stories, I forget about what other people must think of my Goodreads list and just enjoy.
- Watching: Just last night I found enough time in my day to plonk down on the couch. I’d been to the supermarket, the meal planner was done, I caught up on the Downton Abby Christmas Special and then I started watching “Veep”. I’ve thought Julia Louis-Dreyfus was amusing for a while – I’ll even admit to watching episodes of ‘The New Adventures of Old Christine” so when I saw Soho advertising this show I set the record. It’s not “The West Wing” for sure but something about it gets me both giggling and cringing. I’m happy to hear it will have a second season.
- Anticipating: I won’t lie … I’m already looking forward to the weekend!
Laughing About: Stand Up Comedy – well I will be on Thursday. Ken and I are going to the Cook Comedy night. The Cook is a bar/bistro in Hamilton that have a regular monthly comedy night hosted by Jan Maree. Last month Marcia and Kim and I went – and I loved it. She’s a bit rude, a bit crude and I love her style. I’m going to get my hands on a copy of her DVD this time – which was recorded at the Cook.
- I’m also peeing myself about an email that Ken just sent me. It’s actually bloggable, I think.
- Listening to: Anything that recommends on Spotify. I’ve been using to ‘scrobble’ the songs I play off my computer and iPod for years so its coming up with some goodies. My music collection is a point of pride for me however I’m getting a little sick of my choices. Some choice ones added in the last little while
- Alabama Shakes – Boys & Girls
- Foster The People – Torches
- Eating: Protein – Dukan style. It is Day Two of my Attack phase – which will last for six in total. I feel great! I probably didn’t eat quite enough yesterday but then I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been. Last night I went to the supermarket and then went home to make dinner/lunch (Sobbing Tiger steak – yum!) and Oat Bran pancakes for breakfast this morning. I weighed myself this morning – on an empty tumy – 3kg’s less than my last recorded weigh in. Pretty happy with that!! Come Sunday I know I will be looking forward to some vegeatables – surprisingly the hardest part so far has been not being able to have one of the crunchy fresh pears in our office fruit delivery yesterday!
- Working On: Full time employment job wise – I am settling back in to the Infrastructure Design and Delivery team and I am so happy to be back. I’ve helped my boss interview for 3 designer roles that we have open and have picked up a couple of projects of my own.
- Wishing: That I hadn’t gotten so far behind in uploading my 365 Project photographs! Between Facebook, Flickr (177 photos) and (211 photos) … things are a little out of synch and I look like I have missed a bunch!
And again, thank you to Danielle for the “Currently” posts inspiration