It’s been a while!!

I have been building up a rather large file of things that make me go “mmmmmmmmm” and things that make me want to get off my butt and make my days off a little more productive.

But as the days are shorter and the nights are a heck of a lot colder, I find that I come home from work and spend very little time shivering in the lounge.
I am spending more time in my bedroom and using my bed as a chaise. Or a lounger. The term depends on how classy I am feeling. Actually classy doesn’t even come in to it – I’m lazy! Yayy for lazy!

My Kindle is getting a work out but my TiVo hard drive is still full.
It seems this is the weather for reading and tuning out.

Oh and by the way, I’m so fucking over “vintage”.

And talking about things I would like to do. And then feeling bad when I don’t get the chance to do them.

Things I like Friday is all about a pinch of sarcasm, a teaspoon of snide with a sifting of passive aggressive thrown in for good measure.

Because what I REALLY like is saying what you think and thinking what you say.