Holy crap, its all really happening this week!

manicure.  Acrylic tips and OPI Yoga-ta Get This Blue.
They need to be shorter, but its nice to not look at my fingers and think “mmm, breakfast sausages”.

hair appointment with Terrence Underwood.
Sorry, that should be “Terrence Fucking Underwood darling!”  … such an experience.

O.M.G – He gave me a mohawk!  One that I can style for work – but yes, I am rocking a mohawk.

It’s going to take a bit of practice and playing to get the ‘up-do’ right but it feels so good to have cut the fluffy crappy prissy ends off.

– I’d decided that once I had finished writing a report that I was working on, that I would start planning some outfits.
And that I need to start hauling out the things that I hid because I thought they were a little bit crazy.
And I need to tidy the second drawer in my dressing table.  Especially the second – necklaces mixed with old wallets, a wooden box, camisoles.  The scale of the mess in there is indescribable.

But I don’t like my wardrobe.  I don’t mean what’s it in, I mean the wardrobe itself.
I’d love to yank off the stupid roller doors and put bi-folding shutters or something in.  It’s just too small (and possibly too full right now too).

Why?  Because I can.

…. but what I really should be doing – is turning all these ideas of what I should do into a list (list!) of the things that I will be doing.  Procrastination much?