I took the time out to try and clear my Google Reader and I came across a meme that started a few months ago.
The subject of this meme was Regional Dialects.
I watched Alice’s on Niceties – and was fascinated with the great shelf behind her but loved the idea of the questions.
And then I went on a googling mission and found all sorts of others … which I have linked to at the end of this post.
However in the mean time, may I present myself and my New Zealand accent (formed via: born in the Wairarapa, 10 years in Wellington, 10 years in Auckland)
Say these words:
Aunt, Route, Wash, Oil, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, Sure, Data, Ruin, Crayon, Toilet, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Spitting image, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Syrup, Pajamas, Caught, Orange, Coffee, Direction, Naturally, Aluminium and Herbs.
Now answer these questions:
What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house?
What is the bug that when you touch it, it curls into a ball?
What is the bubbly carbonated drink called?
What do you call gym shoes?
What do you say to address a group of people?
What do you call the kind of spider that has an oval-shaped body and extremely long legs?
What do you call your grandparents?
What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket?
What do you call it when rain falls while the sun is shining?
What is the thing you change the TV channel with?
Play along! Â Let me know how you sound too – link to this post!
Other Videos
Niceties –Â http://www.niceties.co.nz/2011/02/regional-dialect-meme-nz-accent.html
Little Chief Honeybee –Â http://honeybeeinthecity.blogspot.com/2011/01/regional-dialect-meme-video.html
Susannahbean –Â http://www.susannahbean.com/2011/01/regional-dialect-this-is-how-we-talk.html
My Beautiful Disaster –Â http://whimsicalbullshit.blogspot.com/2011/02/regional-dialect-videothis-is-how-we-be.html
… and there is a whole bunch more if you search YouTube for Regional Dialect
There are giveaways in the way you speak that show up something else other than just a standard Wairarapa girl!
interesting!! and I didn't even mention the Wairarapa … so what are you on about huh?
In the text above your video 🙂
oh – what a doofus!!
oh, i love your voice!
Megan! you watched 🙂
I loved the literary comments you made on your video and now I can't stop thinking about the might/maybe that you raised.