House of Pain wrote it well …

Get up, stand up, come on!  Come on, throw your hands up  If you’ve got the feeling jump across the ceiling  ..

I had the feeling this Saturday morning.
It was chores morning, it was chilly, there needed to be some loud music and some dancing.

Or was there a better idea??

Now that I have a super spacious (well for me) living room to work with, I got out the X-Box Kinect Advenures disc again.
I don’t have to move all the furniture in to the corners of the living room so while I have been doing my chores, I have been cruising in and out of Kinect Adventures.  I am trying to get Gold Medals on all the games.

I discovered a feature that I either missed last time, or turned off.  The feature where I can make my Adventure levels creatures in to videos.
Oh. Dear. Me …….. Living Statues

P.S.  I discovered Kinect also takes photographs.

P.P.S.  These will NEVER see the light of day.  As soon as I can work out where they have been saved and how to delete them.