I get carried away by my busy lifestyle.
In the last couple of months I’ve been halfway around the world and halfway down the country and back – more than once!
This morning, while snuggling down in “my” bed in Marcia’s gorgeous new house, I have been busy on Evernote and I have written myself a project list.
For my home. For the next couple of weekends. As I will be spending them at home. With his Royal Fatness Napoleon Dynamite.
Things like;
- redoing my pottager with my next winter garden – more soup ingredients!
- planting a big terracotta herb container outside the kitchen door
- filing all my torn out recipes and tearouts from the supermarket in a Recipe Book
- emptying the spare wardrobe (the Wardrobe of Shame)
Well that’s the plan at this stage!
Do you have planned projects or projects on the go?