The written word has become very harsh in my world lately.
Not just Twitter and Facebook (where it seems that berating someone is becoming a hobby or a past-time) but also emails at work.
And then there is the tendency to call someone out for being different. Â In presentation, opinions and what they enjoy.
What’s up with the bad attitudes people?
Instead of agreeing (which I do) I'm going to mention the positive that I've read in the last 24 hours. My SIL has created some wonderful things. A friends son (who's autistic) settled at kindy. Another couple of friends posted travel pics of Italy. And a friend in holland posted a video of her cat and a few friends are celebrating Friday and other are celebrating finishing exams and getting new jobs.
My advice to you:
Secondly – When you're emotionally ready. Look at your twitter and Facebook and cull the constantly negative people who bring you down. It doesn't mean they are not great Friends in real life, only the they are incompatible "Facebook Friends".
Suzanne – Thank you!!
This was a fabulous reply to read and I am so happy to have some positives to read.
Culling those negative Nancy's is a great suggestion.
I'm having a good day, planning on having a great weekend and I hope you do too.
I am very sorry that people have been so cranky. I always think the internet should be full of constructive people. It upsets me when it isn't!
ahh the internet! wouldn't it be lovely if it was always positive (but then where would I go to in order to have my little rants sometimes).
I'll just have to make it a bit more positive 🙂