My safety kit – my emergency provisions box – is not only for when there is a volcanic eruption and it’s all turned to hell in Auckland – it’s also for when the Zombies come.

And it is stored upstairs with me because when shit goes down, the Treehouse will be my fortress.

The Auckland Zombie Apocalypse – we are going to be called it AZA – will catch many people unawares.
The standard timeline will apply pretty well here I think;

  1. There will be a global outbreak of something nasty
  2. New Zealand will once again be pretty chuffed that its down the other end of the world and quite far away
  3. Eventually someone will bring it here – you just know it will happen
  4. We don’t have a military so the cops will be swamped very quickly collapsing the city and the society that we know
  5. Those without supplies will have to leave their homes
  6. They will become Zombie food

So in a very quick list, you can see how its all going to go down.  Which led me to my conclusion, that I will stay and fight.

There are a few things that you need to take in to account (in my opinion) when deciding on the best course of initial action – fight or flight.
I’m not a very good fighter, I can get pretty scrappy but all that is not going to be enough.
I don’t know anyone with a farm far enough away from Auckland (or Wellsford – has the AZA started there already?).
I don’t own a good old Hilux so I can’t drive over people in the long queues on the motor-way.
I’m also smart enough to know that leaving the house is a dumb idea unless its absolutely 100% necessary.  Unless I had the Hilux I refer to above.  Or I had a boat!  Can Zombies swim?  For that matter, how well do Zombies climb 2m high fences?

Therefore the primary thing that a fighter (whether I’m hiding in the wardrobe or not) needs to take into account is supplies.  Are supplies.  Oh screw you grammar, you know what I mean.
I don’t own a gun or any bullets either.  But I have a spade – or two.  I don’t have a crate of albums to fire like throwing stars.

There aren’t many options there.  You have to destroy its head – or wait while it burns to death.

My original options for an AZA game plan were fight or flight.
I’m introducing a third option: staying and hiding.

I’m going to move my safety kit and my emergency provisions box into my Zombie fortress.
That I will build.

Transformer Safe House - KWK Promes:

They call it the transformer safe house – designed by KWK Promes.

With the mere press of a button the open architecture transforms the house into an impenetrable concrete cube designed keep its inhabitants safe.

When shifted to the more ‘vulnerable’ mode, the walls slide open, shutters rise up, the draw bridge lowers giving access to the indoor pool and the gates open to give beautiful garden views.

The 6100 ft ‘Safe House’ (as it is called) also has a safety zone surrounded by concrete walls where users would be screened first before being let inside.

What are you going to do?

My five favorite Zombie movies:

  1. Evil Dead (1982)
  2. Braindead – Peter Jackson (1992)
  3. Dellamorte Dellamore (Cemetery Man – 1994)
  4. 28 Days Later (2003)
  5. Zombieland (2009)
