I make a lot of Mixtapes.  Not real mixes on tapes but Mixtapes – you know?
So many times and experiences in life can be enhanced and then summed up … if we put it all together and say it with a Mixtape

I found a way of sharing them online – 8tracks.

When you join 8tracks, they suggest you make a debut.  I give you my 8tracks debut Mixtape (from the songs they suggest you add)

1. A song from 2010 you love
2. A song everyone on 8tracks should hear
3. A song that reminds you of high school
4. A song from the year you were born
5. A song from a band you LOVE
6. A song you can sing along to
7. A song about your city / state
8. A top 40 song you hate to admit you like

tag: 8tracksdebut

art: the 1st result of this image search: your first pet’s name + the street you grew up on
