Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
I blame this woman for alot. It is all her fault.
But I have a lot more to thank her for. Without her, I would have ended up in a huge fat blubbering mess.
A mess unable to leave the house, to converse, to work.
She took that mess, shook it up, supported it.
She kicked my ass into getting fit, eating right, going out, enjoying myself – and loving myself again.
She made me learn to dive. Read that – MADE ME.
In fact, its all here in this post – (i am extremely happy that I was blogging when I learned to dive).
Her coercing me into learning to dive introduced me to a wonderful group of very good friends – Marcia, Anna and Andrew. Friends who have also supported me through a lot in the last couple of years.
Its added new places to pin on my world map of places I have been and also places that I want to go.
And now that I am a Dive Instructor, teaching gives me my students. And some of them have become good friends too.
I’ve developed a big interest in photography (ooooh look how punny I am today) and I have seen some absolutely amazing things underwater.
She didn’t just have a big impact on me.
I owe Nell a lot. I have a lot to thank her for.
She changed my life completely.