Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
1. I have started four different degrees at University and have not yet finished any of them.
Up until I became a PADI Instructor, the only qualification I had ever completed was my Liquor Licensing Authority General Manager’s License.
2. My blue eyes can change shade – I like to think its dependent on my mood.
I don’t actually believe that it is true but I have seen and photographed their different shades.
3. Both my younger brothers are married – and live overseas.
I think this is wonderful for the two of them but I feel very old, lonely, barren and spinsterish sometimes.
4. I have 5 – no I mean 4 tattoos.
I had 5, I covered one over and now I want another 2. I often miscount them as I forget the one on my back as I cannot see it.
5. I have not had a boyfriend in 6 years. There is not a lot else to say there.
6. I start a lot of blog posts and don’t finish them.
7. I am incredibly pedantic about my digital music collection.
Every song has all the correct tags, genre information and album covers associated with it. Or it sits in a folder waiting for the correct categorisation before it is transferred to my iPod.
8. I get more work done when I am not at work than when I am there.
Even on the days when I do not work from home, I will work early morning or into the evenings. The office is for other stuff. Dunno what – my day just seems to disappear.
9. If my bonus had been bigger, I probably would have booked myself in to have one of those bands put around my tummy too.
At one horrible stage in my life, I was big. I stopped weighing myself just before the 160kg mark. Every time I look at a photograph – or myself in the mirror – I still see myself that way.
10. In the last couple of months, my favourite times are driving home Sunday night from Tutukaka and singing in my weekend truck.
11. I have been considering moving back to Wellington for the last couple of years.
12. I don’t care that people can’t read my handwriting. I really like my handwriting.
13. I wanted to be a lawyer – or a diplomat.
14. I spend far too much time on the telephone.
15. My cat is the boss of me. He knows it and I have learned it the hard way. He has no respect for me and I just think it is funny.
dont go to wellywood!!! i (we all) would miss you
Nice work Tara!
Same as my cat!!!
Love it >.< You will find Mr 'Perfect for You' – took me till I was 43!
You are lovely Tara xo
Love the photo Miss Tara 🙂
My blue eyes change shade dependent on my mood and color that I wear!! Yay us!!