Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

Its been a busy week and I am super glad that it is hump day as its all downhill to the weekend from here!
In fact, I am so stoked about it being Wednesday that I am going to firstly celebrate my happiness with something that made me giggly.

Maybe She Was Storing a Grenade in Her Back Pocket

The something that I am “proud of in the last few days” actually happened on Tuesday night.

In front of a room of people who are smarter than me, far better at public speaking than me, know more about Social Media than me, far more entertaining to listen to prattle on for 5 minutes AND have been doing this stuff a lot longer, I managed to not embarrass myself.
That’s right, unless little Missy above, I was appropriately dressed thanks to Tom from Tweet4yourTee – and I managed to not fall on my face both physically and metaphorically.


I was as nervous as all hell.
I’d done some preparation and I had my notes but my hands were shaking so much I couldn’t read them.
However I managed to string some sentences together and last til the buzzer.

I really enjoyed the debating aspect of the evening so I am considering signing up for Toastmasters.

I blogged my speaker notes from the night.