last night alex, scott and i rocked up to global dive for the orientation night of our PADI IDC.
armed with a bag load of manuals and tons of enthusiasm, pete mesley – our course director, walked us through the schedule for the AI (Assistant Instructor) portion and then the OWSI (Open Water Scuba Instructor) portion of our IDC.
theres alot to cover in a week, but seeing as we have just completed our Divemaster course, i think we have been well prepared by our instructors over the last few months.
we have interned on a lot of different training courses, been on dive trips and guided and have also planned excursions.
from 9am today, alex and i started 3 days of training for the AI portion. scott has already done his AI so he will be joining us on wednesday.
we went through the type of teaching that PADI has seen work – and they have spent a lot of time researching and fine tuning the learning styles as everyone learns differently.
for tomorrow, we have a classroom teaching session to prepare.
i have comfortable descents – and thus equalisation techniques. we have been given a great breakdown of a session so i am all ready to crack into it!