a little while ago, someone i know decided that he would listen to his entire iTunes library in order of Artist – alphabetical order that is. that sounded like a pretty cool idea to me. except i thought that i would get a little bored listening to the same style for more than one or two songs and so i wouldnt complete A to Z.
today i was mucking around with iTunes DJ and i came to the conclusion that i could listen to all my 8277 songs; if i listened to them in Track Name order. so the iTunes alphabeticalisation playlist was created.
yes i created a playlist. to make sure that i start the next day EXACTLY where i left off the previous day.
always said that the power of iPod/iTunes is in the playlist – especially when you use the mad shuffle styles.
however the power is just in the playlist! its mad when you start to associate a song with a moment of the day.
todays highlights include;
11:15 : # 1 – The A by DJ Food
(a nice track to start off with – why have i never listened to number one in the list?)
11:34 : # 2 – A-Tisket, A-Tasket by Ella Fitzgerald
(there was a little break for an early lunch but Ella came on to match perfectly with the creamy tomato soup)
16:13 : # 57 – Aint That a Kick in the Head by Dean Martin
(came back from delivering notices about the missing cats and Dean helped me slide into the evening)
16:48 : # 68 – Al-Naafiysh by Hashim on Fabriclive 24 – Diplo
(this is the cadbury eyebrow kids track right when i was searching for it on youtube)
the progress so far – 8197 tracks to go.