theres not a lot of LOL’ing going on in my house at the moment.

i walked around the neighbourhood again today and posted notes in letterboxes to see if anyone had Napoleon – and Harlo.
i had not seen either of them since saturday and no amount of calling or trawling the streets looking for them was bringing me any success at all.

then linda knocked on my door.
both of them had moved into her place.  napoleon for a little longer than harlo.
i’m not 100% happy with the fact that they were feeding him and making him feel welcome but then again – what would i have done if i was them?  she said that she had been knocking on doors to find who his owner was but she had not quite reached my house in the street yet.
so i went down to her place and picked up harlo and bought her home.  i went back to fetch napoleon and he kicked up one heck of a fuss.  the result at the end of the day is that her and her sister have taken harlo for a couple of night with the possibility that they might take her full time.

i had written in my initial post on the new arrival that napoleon would be the top priority.  my top priority.
and if it didnt work out between the two of them then i would try and find a new home for her.
>>> Trouble with a Capital Cute || air supply (05 April 2009)

well he is home.  he will be inside for a few days now and he is not very happy about the whole thing but i just dont know what else to do.  if anyone has any ideas, i would really appreciate them.
i am going to spend some time and energy and money trying to make him feel at home again – his special wet food and trying to rid the place of all evidence and smell of her.

i do feel incredibly sad however; not just because she will probably be going away.
but for what the Boss has been through too.  and the fact that he probably doesnt love me very much at the moment.
and i am super scared that when i do open the cat door for him he might run away.
trouble with a capital cute was very appropriate.  and trouble with a few tears too.  thank god for pinot noir.