as part of our PADI IDC, today we jumped in the pool.
we headed straight over to Orakei Dive Shop first thing this morning.
scott told us the pool was about 20 degrees and pete told us there was no excuse for us to get cold – so i made sure i had lots of thermal layers. rob took the cover off the pool and i dipped my toe in. 20 degrees my butt!!!
the pool was a lovely 26ish. orakei have an awesome pool for learning to dive in. a good sized deep end and a great area for kneeling down and doing other skills.
we had some help today too. andy rocked on over and gave us a hand by being one of our students.
whilst alex and i briefed the skills and demonstrated, pete and andy were our students and we divemastered for each other.
i was up first and i had regulator recovery – from behind the shoulder, underwater.
i was pleased with the briefing and the demonstration. alex and i dropped under the water and andy and pete talked about how to test us. then we all went down together and i completed the demonstration again and moved on to my ‘students’.
there were a couple of problems to work through with each of them but nothing too hard out and i think we got each problem – reminded them to hit that key point and then had them repeat it.
once the skills are over, the hardest part for me at the moment is to give positive reinforcement when i havent noticed something totally stupendous. but again, pete was there with the hints and tips and i think this will all work out before the end of the course.
well andy might have been in a wetsuit. yes andy in a wetsuit. and he might have been wearing a pink snorkel. PINK! but i now have green hair. and i am not sure what i am going to do about it.
we were in the classroom for the rest of the afternoon – oh we completed the skills circuit too – and started looking at open water presentations in time for the lake tomorrow.
i must finish writing up my slates so i know that my briefing is good and that i can hit the points i got today and also the ones that i missed. and then i must go and pay attention to my dinner. i am absolutely starving.