i had a little rant recently about pressures at work and the 27/4 support that i provide to my company.  yes i am fed up.  but i am also fed up with some of the people who gravitate around my work sphere.

i get more sick and tired of people complaining than i do about our customers changing their minds about what they want.  hearing their compliants makes me sad, well actually kind of depressed.
why have a job when you hate that job?  why not get a new job?
i like my job – i thrive on the chance to do something different and to actually have to think about what we are going to do and how.  i think i mentioned it before, but in my role, 90% of the time, it can be purely transposing information from one place to another and just checking the validity of it.  **yawn**
we need to consider that there are more challenges and opportunities in our business right now than there have been in the past.

“in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity” – albert einstein

Bean Happy

i find it easier to approach work problems with a sense of humour or a sense of delivery.  what i mean by that is that some of our greatest successes come from our greatest challenges.  some of the best work i ever did started out with a project manager that i wanted to absolutely murder.  jam my incredibly pointed toe shoe right up their bum.   i know i had a bit of a spit earlier about my 27/4 workload, but in actual fact, i like it like that.  my boss, my PM’s know they can come to me and it will get done.  eventually.  but it will be done and it will be done right.  the person who has two pieces of work and says that they cant do both – well wheres your time management man??

unfortunately you cant get sacked for being a moaning minnie but wouldnt it be great if the squeakiest wheel didnt always get the grease – it just got replaced?

my boss just told me that there is more coffee drunk on our floor than the other four floors combined.  d’uh – really?  and thats not even all of it, as our coffee is shit.  and the stuff in the cafe isnt much better.  luckily we can get fix.d across the road.