Yesterday I picked up my birthday/Christmas present to myself.
I have waited a long time to upgrade my Nikon D80 to a Nikon D300 … and to house it for underwater photography.
The Nikon D300 is a big step up for me, not just in terms of its specifications and capabilities, but in terms of my knowledge and skill as an amateur photographer. Â However, I think my passion will guide me. Â And I am very very lucky to know some really good photographers whose brains I shall be picking regularly.
As a further motivator (similar to the 30 Days of Me Bloggers Challenge), I have picked up the 365 Day Project.
A photo a day for 365 days with my new camera – either above or below the water.
Something from a part of my day rather than of me.
There are quite a few really interesting 365 Days projects out there – some concentrating on personal changes, some on family members, some on landscapes.
Mine will be relatively general with the aim of being able to look back in a year at the album that I have created and to be able to see how my photography has developed (pardon the pun).
The 365 Day Project posts will have one photograph and a couple of lines explaining the photograph and what I either like or do not like about it.
I am going to start this weekend, as I am planning on spending all of it getting to grips with my new rig.
The 365 Day Project, a set on Flickr.