News from the Studio, New Locations and Project Updates
A Day at the (non) Races
Friday 22 January. Not quite crisis time but the weather in Wellington is not playing ball with our plans for Sarah’s Bachelorette Day at the Trentham Wine, Food and Racing Festival. Alternate plans are made. Ladies must still dress in full race regalia however we are...
To the Music
To the Music of Falling Water ….. My favourite track of 2009 and going into 2010. Underworld and Mark Knight – rocking it again.
Fuck You Friday
here’s a hefty “Fuck You” to Friday – and a great big “How You Doing” to the weekend.
The Treehouse – Garden Zone – Stage 1
Stage One : Preparing the general gardening area. I finally moved into my back garden. After nearly 2 years living in The Treehouse. I went out and bought a sprinkler set, a proper hose – and a flat pack chair and table set and umbrella. I also went so far as to buy...
Build me a new Ass
At Mitre 10 Mega – I can build me a new ass. Maybe a slightly smaller one.
Riko … Noo YEA!!
A World Class D-J. Yes, World Class! The Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve. A boat full of friends. And a New Years Eve party in the largest Sea Cave in the world – post a stunning night dive. My best New Years Eve ever? Quite possibly. Am putting together a video...
Wasn’t Me
In the old days … when I first started creating my own sites and putting stories and pictures online … I thought I was anonymous. And for the most part I was. My friends certainly didn’t spend a lot of time online and it seemed that the majority of people that ever...
A Wedding!
Iain and Catie’s wedding was totally amazing – it was well worth the long trip (not just because I got to see all of my family after such a long time) and I was so pleased and proud to be part of a tradition that I have not experienced before. They were married in the...
BFM = Bloody Freaken Marvellous
to be completely honest, the thought of having moles removed was a bit scary. having a date scheduled to go back and have die injected so they can view me under an even greater microscope has me very very very nervous. 7th August - Moms birthday nonetheless!! this...
PADI Specialty Instructor Ratings
this morning i received a little pack from PADI. i was expecting some envelopes with my Specialty Instructor certification cards in them - but instead, it was like a present! certification cards and certificates! my ratings had come through a little earlier on this...
Jackson David Ronald Cosgrove
baby Floss is home! maresa and jackson came home from the hospital this morning and are getting settled in. jackson is already snug in his new bassinet and hand knitted blankets. Vital Statistics; Arrival date : Sunday 05 July Arrival Time : 10:48am Weight : 8lb, 8oz...
a weekend getaway
after the Skirts in Scuba trip up to the Poor Knights, Marcia and I had a phone coversation about how we should make some time to just cruise around and take some photos. seeing as my drysuit is in the drysuit hospital - and the weathers pretty crappy and i am pretty...
texts from last night
i needed some entertainment - something to make me laugh - something a little light. i've been working pretty hard. lots of things going on and on top of it all i have to have another mole removed and 4 others sectioned and tested. this time i am a little more than...
if you have something to say, say it with a Mixtape
mixtapes have a special place in our lives. and in our formative years. a good mixtape can say so much - even more than you can write in a letter or draw in a picture. well the pictures that i draw at least - and thats mainly because i am an utterly terrible pencil...
definitely not lolcats
theres not a lot of LOL'ing going on in my house at the moment. i walked around the neighbourhood again today and posted notes in letterboxes to see if anyone had Napoleon - and Harlo. i had not seen either of them since saturday and no amount of calling or trawling...
iTunes alphabeticalisation-ness
a little while ago, someone i know decided that he would listen to his entire iTunes library in order of Artist - alphabetical order that is. that sounded like a pretty cool idea to me. except i thought that i would get a little bored listening to the same style for...
Making fun of Emo kids
happy (belated) birthday nell
i'm a bad friend. i actually forgot to send nell a "Happy Birthday" message either via text or Facebook. she had to remind me that i forgot. now i feel terrible! i sent her an ecard this morning though (and also told our boss and a few other people). too bad that...