Countdown to Inbox = 0

My Inbox was getting me down.  In fact, even worse, it was controlling my day! So I went postal on it – if you can pardon the terrible pun. I spent the last part of my day attacking my inbox and taking on some board some pretty cool ideas and methods of managing...

Social Media is NOT bad for the World

Tonight the topic at Auckland’s Social Media Club was The Great Debate – Social Media is bad for Me, bad for Business and bad for the World. Myself, Belinda Nash and Rebecca Smith debated the negative. I really enjoyed tonight – and I really enjoyed...
30 Days of Me – Day One

30 Days of Me – Day One

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself 1. I have started four different degrees at University and have not yet finished any of them. Up until I became a PADI Instructor, the only qualification I had ever completed was my Liquor...
if you have something to say, say it with a Mixtape

if you have something to say, say it with a Mixtape

mixtapes have a special place in our lives.  and in our formative years. a good mixtape can say so much – even more than you can write in a letter or draw in a picture. well the pictures that i draw at least – and thats mainly because i am an utterly...